

1383 Uppsatser om Mental trauma - Sida 1 av 93

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

Berättigande av datortomografisk helkroppsundersökning vid trauma: En litteraturstudie

Traumaundersökning med datortomografi (trauma-DT) är en viktig metod för att snabbt och precist kunna identifiera och utesluta skador vid trauma. Vid en trauma-DT undersöks hjärna, halsrygg, samt därefter thorax och buk med intravenöst kontrastmedel. Då denna undersökningsmetod använder sig av joniserande strålning måste onödiga undersökningar undvikas, och alternativa metoder med lägre eller ingen stråldos övervägas. Litteraturöversiktens syfte var att undersöka berättigandet av trauma-DT. I studien ingår 17 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Terapiskolan för barn med psykosociala problem : En uppföljning på Liljanskolan om vad barnens vårdnadshavare tycker om barnens utveckling Södertörns högskola

A study by Gulistan Kavak has been done about the therapy school, Liljanschool. The school handles children between the ages seven and twelve who suffer from psychosocial problems. These psychosocial problems may be the children?s? experiences of psychological trauma, attachment-difficulties and anxiety. Therapists, teachers, educators and medical professionals work at Liljanschool. The purpose of this thesis is to see how parents see their children?s? development at the school from there very first day until there last. Three questions have been formulated: How do parents of the children understand the development of the therapy that Liljanschool contributes with? How do the parents think that the school situation has been for their children? Do the school staff´s views and the parent´s views differ regarding cooperation between staff, parents and children?I have done a qualitative study.  In-depth interviews were conducted with the staff of the school and the children?s parents. The results show that the majority of respondents were positive about the school. The analysis shows that through the extension-theory, the children and parents have developed together.

Psykiska reaktioner vid fysiskt trauma : en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Fysiskt trauma är ett av de största hälsoproblemen i världen. Fysiska skador står för 16 % av den globala sjukdomsbördan. Med nya träningsprogram och arbetssätt har kvalitén på vården förbättrats men vanligen följer en psykisk reaktion på traumat som kan kvarstå under lång tid. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa vuxna personers psykiska hälsa efter ett fysiskt trauma. Metod: Uppsatsen är en litteraturöversikt som baseras på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Ett livslångt lidande. De professionellas upplevelser om uppväxtvillkorens påverkan på traumahantering

This study aim to explore how the conditions of an individual's childhood may affect their coping with trauma. The individuals represented in this study, for the purpose to explore coping with trauma, are individuals grown up under insufficient childhood conditions. This study is based on the assumption that childhood conditions, are a factor of influence on coping with trauma, in a greater extent than it is understood and given credit for in todays society. Our result shows that there is an obvious correlation between insufficient childhood conditions and destructive coping with trauma. There is a need of larger general awareness that an individuals resources for coping with trauma is affected by the conditions growing up.

Vad påverkar beslutet av missbruksvård? : Faktorer som kan påverka val av insats

Title:What influences the assessment of addiction treatment? - Factors that may affect thechoice of interventionsThere are few studies on trauma and the importance of religion for the professional handlingof abuse clients in a Swedish context. It is therefore appropriate to examine the role of suchfactors. This study examines whether experienced trauma in childhood or religious beliefsinfluence the assessment and selection of input in fictitious cases. To examine this created sixvignettes.

Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown : det teknologiska traumat i J.G. Ballards The Atrocity Exhibition

This study examinates technology's traumatic impact on the male subject in The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G. Ballard. In my analysis I show how the protagonist uses a fetischistic strategy in order to make sense of the trauma that technology embeds. Paradoxically it proves to be the agent of his trauma, but also functions as his shield. The machine is thus in a position of the hinge, the point in a structural system that both enables and deconstruct the system.

Prehospital vätskebehandling vid stort trauma ur en sjuksköterskas perspektiv : En systematisk litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to determine which type of fluid to use in trauma care to improve patient survival. The method used was a systematic review, where a total of 18 studies were reviewed and 13 included in the results. The inclusion criteria used in this study were Randomized controlled trial, or studies relevant for the purpose, written in English and published during the last ten years. The studies were identified in the PubMed data base. The results showed that in trauma with hypovolaemia, colloid infusion has a better effect than infusion of crystalloid fluid on blood pressure and colloid infusion reduced the body's cascade systems in a beneficial way. Colloid infusion administered to head injury patients lowered their intracranial pressure more than crystalloid infusion.

Lyssna! Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Sjuksköterskans stödjande roll gentemot anhöriga vid ett svårt trauma eller plötsligt dödsfall

När anhöriga drabbas av ett svårt trauma eller plötsligt dödsfall kan deras liv vändas upp och ned och bli kaotiskt. I en sådan situation är det oftast sjuksköterskan de anhöriga möter först. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vad sjuksköterskans stödjande roll gentemot anhöriga vid ett svårt trauma eller plötsligt dödsfall innefattar. Metoden som ligger till grund för studien är en deskriptiv litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar på olika behov hos anhöriga vid trauma eller plötsligt dödsfall.

Prognostisk betydelse av radiologiskt detekterad gasförekomst i tunntarmen hos katter utsatta för fysiskt trauma :

The aim of this study was to see if an increased amount of gas could be seen in the small bowel of cats subjected to trauma and if measuring the amount of gas could be of any use in the clinical evaluation of the patient. When the peristaltic waves in the small bowel decreases due to neurological damage or chock the microorganisms of the gut grow in number and possibly produce more gas and toxins. When the cat is stressed it can swallow more air then usual, and the air that is in solution with the chyme in the lumen of the gut separates from the ingesta. When the bowel isn?t moving it becomes easier for bacteria and toxins to penetrate the wall of the gut, and then get access to the bloodstream.

En kvalitativ studie i Ersta Sköndals orgellärares syn på mental träning

teknik, skola, förskola, styrdokument, arbeta praktiskt.

Hur kan mental toppform uppnås? Idrottspsykologiska rådgivares syn på mental träning.

Eriksson. C. (2010). How can mental top form be reached? Sport psychology consultants approach to mental training.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som drabbats av trauma

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som drabbats av trauma. Åtta intensivvårdssjuksköterskor intervjuades. Data analyserades genom kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys och resulterade i två teman och sju kategorier. Dessa teman var: att vilja tillgodose behoven och att bära med sig det svåra. Resultatet lyfter fram vikten av att intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna är väl förberedda inför omhändertagandet av en patient som drabbats av trauma som en förutsättning för att förmedla god omvårdnad.

Traumaomhändertagande på akutmottagningen : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv

Background:A trauma is a potential life threatening state which demands special resources and optimal care. Trauma doesn't just mean physical violence against the body, it can also put the patient in a psychological crisis. The trauma care in the emergency department is a short and intensive assessment between the patient and the emergency staff, where there is a risk that the patient may feel exposed and uncomfortable. For the nurse to be able to provide security and meet the patients' needs of well-being during the trauma care, the nurse has to try to understand the patients' needs and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's experiences during trauma care in the emergency department.

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